Joel Rubano is an energy commodity trader with twenty years of experience in the power, natural gas and oil markets. He has worked at merchant trading companies, deregulated utility subsidiaries, a hedge fund, and an international oil producer. He has been responsible for hedging the financial exposures of a multi-billion dollar asset portfolio and has speculatively traded oil, natural gas, coal and electricity on an institutional scale.
In 2018 Mr. Rubano founded Instradev, LLC, a financial education and development company designed to bridge the gap between the knowledge and skills present in recent graduates and non-commercial employees and the standard demanded by the revenue-producing members of the trading desk.
Presenting to the Master of Science in Computational Finance program at Carnegie Mellon University in 2017.
Mr. Rubano has presented multi-day training courses to industry participants and lectured undergraduate, masters, and MBA classes on a variety of trading and risk-management related topics, including:
Presented to Babson College's undergraduate and graduate Financial Trading Strategies & Risk Management classes.
Lectured on quantitative trading strategies at Carnegie Mellon University's Master of Science in Computational Finance Program.
Discussed the basics of trading at Fordham University's Finance Society.
Explored pricing complex structured transactions with Northeastern University's Alternative Investments class.
Taught a class on implementing directional trading strategies at Saint Joseph’s University.
Presented a multi-day seminar on the fundamentals of trading at Genscape, Inc., an industry-leading proprietary data and analytics firm.
Follow @TCK_JRubano on Twitter to see his latest posts on trading-related topics.